“When I purchased Rob’s Fast Revenue Coaching Model program, I thought it was a brilliant strategy that I was excited to dive into and implement. But, you’re never quite sure if a strategy you’ve never used before will necessarily work for your own list and business.
I’m happy to say that his email campaign that I modeled and sent to my community resulted in a quick 8k in 3 days! My new clients will get some fantastic laser coaching and value, and I got some awesome fast income! A true win-win. AND, I can see rolling out this strategy multiple times a year for multiple paydays. I’m even looking forward to sharing Rob’s great strategy with my own clients! Thanks Rob for creating this program!”
Christine Gallagher
Wanted to let you know how grateful I am for your Laser Coaching program. I rolled it out to 6 people and all 6 signed up, and they love it, I’m liking it as well. I went with $997 for 6 months of laser coaching, my normal program is once a week for 12 weeks of action partner coaching for $3297.
Dan DeBroux
Just to let you know that within 24 hours of sending my first email, I got three who are interested to sign up for the program, one has already paid… woohoo… I didn’t really follow your email contents for obvious reason. I wrote the email mainly in Chinese and I wrote it in a very personal way. Like I said before, the Chinese mentality is quite different and I do appreciate the tips here and there you gave us and the info regarding the technology you used. I have sent the affiliate link to my American friends and see how they respond. But for myself actually putting out this One Year Unlimited Coaching Program, it is really pretty cool!
And obviously as I only sent out to a handful of my contacts in this first round and got this result, that means we do have a huge market there among the Chinese speaking people!
I just wanted to let you know that I sold my first laser coaching to someone who I had already scheduled a strategy session with 🙂 Thanks!! Easiest sell ever 🙂
Rachael B.
$6637. That’s how much I made over the last three days by sending out a few emails. (No strained or uncomfortable sales calls.) What I’m really tickled about is that I can do it again and again. In fact, I’m going to apply Rob’s email technique later this month with another product and fully expect to get the same results–or better. All this just a few weeks after my 3-day intensive with Rob that put me on the path to greater profits for the long-term. It’s so worth the investment in working with Rob, and it was a blast! He’s a marketing genius. Any business owner looking to serve more people–and make more money–should connect with Rob on the double. He’s that good!
Donna Kozik
Multi-award winning author
Creator & Leader, the original
Write a Book in a Weekend(R)
Working with Rob was easy and fact-filled. In just one hour, he was able to motivate me and answer all of the questions I had. He presented the information in a clear and succinct manner and provided me with workable information and timelines. He even made technology sound uncomplicated. Rob is personable and really knows his stuff. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to work with him again on multiple projects.
Melissa Cohen, LCSW
“Rob’s training helped create a very fast cash infusion of almost $10,720. This happened within 4 days of applying the first step that Rob suggested. To be honest, I didn’t get creative. I followed Rob’s instructions to the letter and it worked out far better than expected. This is the kind of offer that people jump at, but I was hesitant as to whether or not I could manage it all, but Rob provided guidance every step of the way.”
tom buford
“After taking Rob’s laser coaching training, within 1 month I created $24k cash into my business. I didn’t change a thing – but followed his advice to the letter. I’ve known Rob for almost 10 years and I totally trust his guidance. I joked with him last month and said: “Every time I talk with you.. I make money!” But it’s no joke. It’s totally true. :)”
Susan Epstein
“$10,000 in 4 days! I wanted a sure-fire way to fill up my coaching practice with super driven, super inspiring clients. I followed Rob’s Laser Coaching Package program step-by-step and signed up 10 laser coaching clients in 4 days. That’s a damn good way to kick of the new year, don’t you think? Just 4 days into the New Year… 10 new clients and $10,000 in the bank. Thanks, Rob. You da’ bomb.”
Jennifer Mayers
Mind you I’ve had a LOT of coaches, and all of them have helped me tremendously, but none of them have made such an immediate and profound effect on my business as Rob. Just days after spending 3 intensive days with Rob, I’m on target to triple (or more) my investment! (Rob, we can change that to actual numbers once I’ve enrolled clients). Rob’s knowledge of the psychology of buying and his ability to apply that to my goals and my offerings is second to none, and his drive to get sh*t done is what makes the magic happen. As a bonus, he’s easy to work with and clearly cares about me and my business. I feel like I’ve got a friend for life. This has been one of the best investments I’ve made in my business.
Barbera Aimes
I truly believe Rob’s Get It Done Coaching program is one of the very best things you can do for your business. At whatever level you are at. And it’s far more than just “getting it done.” You get Rob’s deep strategic and technical expertise. He said something to me on our very first session, and I thought to myself, “my investment in the program just paid for itself in the first 15 minutes!”
Leon Altman
The Big Idea Coach
Today’s mastermind was just what I needed to hear! Thanks so much for it. I get it now and how to apply it to my situation.
Jeannette K.
“I bought an offer from Rob Goyette arising from one of those Done4You promotions. I think his was the only offer that I followed up on. I then found Rob to be so helpful and resourceful to be almost unreal. Not surprisingly when he launched his VIP Weekend Package I was quick to register my interest. I then had to convince my skeptical team that this would be more than worth it, as Rob always goes beyond to satisfy his clients. They eventually agreed and it is difficult to conceive of spending a more productive weekend. However, the “weekend” continues and Rob still delivers excellent support. I have done courses with a number of the industry icons but my investment with Rob met me where I was and takes me where I want to go.”
trevor smith, jamaica
“Hey Rob, Thank you! I hope you know how much I appreciate your knowledge, expertise, professionalism, hard work and most of all your friendship. We have accomplished more in the last two days than I have working alone in the last two years. I knew that bringing you on as a coach was the right thing to do. My only regret is that your offer was not available two years ago. I would have saved so much time, frustration and money! I feel very fortunate that your email showed up in my mailbox and I was smart enough to open it, read it and decide that I needed a coach to get me to the next level. I was brilliant to choose YOU!”
Allan Block, Minneapolis
“Rob Goyette has been a wonderful coach who gives so many brilliant ideas to his clients. In the first 60 days of being his client, I made back my entire investment for his program from one idea he gave me. Also due to his coaching I had my first 5-figure month. I highly recommend Rob for any coach wanting to improve business systems, create better program models, and making more money.”
Jeannette Koczela, Founder/President
“I have been a business coach for 15 years making over six figures a year but had no success in creating online sales using automated systems. Rob Goyette is a genius in helping people come up with ideas and implement them with automated webinars. In just one weekend he put together a system that has now helped me attract new coaches around the world looking for their first ten coaching clients. I would tell anyone considering a VIP Weekend to grab it asap while he still has room on his calendar. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for my business.”
Minesh Baxi, Orlando FL
We all know people who are talented. And those who are experienced and good at what they do. And then there are the very caring, kind individuals. Imagine mixing all of those into one ball of dough… and out of the mix comes -Rob Goyette. So if your journey happens to cross his path- sit up and take notice. Because he’s definitely going to have something for you that helps you become a winner at your game.
Sarah Best
Hi, This is Ellen at San Ko my life and business coach, and I’ve been a part of wrapped. I get mastermind and I highly highly recommend it to anyone she if so forthcoming with information and generous and just about one of information. It’s a must have for anyone. That’s wanting to move their business forward, So I highly recommend it to everyone. Thank you so much Rob.
Joining Rob Goyette’s Radical Results Mastermind. Group is one of the best investments I ever made. Rob delivers a ton of valuable tips. Got a question? He answers your questions promptly with expert advice. He’ll not only give you great marketing ideas, he’ll also tell you how to solve your technical issues. Yes, Rob’s Radical Results Mastermind is a treasure trove of great ideas.
Stan Mann
I hung up the phone and wanted to say “Bam! Mic Drop!” hahahaha! Mahalo for the structure, guidance and “getting it”! The clear tech guidance while holding the big picture is like a breath of fresh air!
Lisa Hartwell PsyD, RN
Frankly, was disappointed at first that only two registered but quickly changed my tune when I noticed I felt really good that THIS WORKED and I recognized I didn’t expect quite a few to respond, but they just knew me better than others so they were on the list. If I look at the number, not that could respond but that realistically might respond (I know I don’t want to “decide”for people), the percentage is not bad. Plus, I got a little cash breathing room, a couple clients on which I can practice your coaching method, feel more like a coach (having clients always does that for you), have something that can be done again and with your help grow it and scale it up, and the feeling of your having helped me create something from nothing – it didn’t exist 4 days ago! Yeah Coach Rob!
Larry Gassin
I just wanted to share with you that I went through your material, came up with a name, and presented the idea at my BNI meeting today for my 60 Second weekly presentation and I already had 2 people sign up and have 3 more potentials that I will follow up with by Thursday. My hope is to have 10 clients sign up at 1,000.00 each (which is half price) by the end of April. I am excited to get started with this and really excited that I already have 2 signed up. Thanks for the great material and excellent program.
Johnny Carcioppolo
Hi Rob, I want to say thank you, and let you know what a huge impact you’ve had on my life in the last 3 months since you got me on this copywriting path. I’m so glad you spotted it!
Linda Flynt
Rob, Thank you for all the good stuff you do. You are my inspiration.
Brenda Gale Bryant
this sooner. Working with you, Rob, has been exactly the support I’ve
needed so that I don’t get paralyzed for weeks like I had before. I can
only imagine what kind of struggle people who are not techie have.
Hello Rob, Just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you again. You are a breath of fresh air in the coaching world and I really appreciate you.
Hi Rob, Thanks again for this amazing first day of our VIP Weekend. I’m really impressed by everything we were able to get done in just a few hours. You are a great coach and a real copywriting wizard! Signing up for this weekend was definitely my best business decision of the year! I’m looking forward to our second day of work together.
Now I’ve gone through the process it was a lot easier than I anticipated, because he was so clear not nearly as intimidating as I thought
And while there’s still many things to do I don’t feel as overwhelmed by it.The fact I have acess to you for the next 2 years relaxes me
It’s all so clear, and I feel really good about this investment
Worth every Penny!”
“I love your program and have gained more in just a week than in any program over the past 10 years. Anyone thinking about coaching needs to tap into your system if they really want to be successful.”
Cindy Bishop